Fly fishing, Jura, France, Pierre-Emmanuel AUBRY guide

Jura-FlyfishingJura-Flyfishing, France, Jura, Pierre-Emmanuel AUBRY guide

Flyfishing, Fly fishing, Jura, France, Fishing guide, Pêche à la mouche, Pierre-Emmanuel AUBRY, Franche-Comté, Goumois, Ain rivers, Bienne, Doubs Franco-suisse, Saine river, Fishing guide, Flyfishing teacher, Zebra trout, Nymphe à vue

Strolling along the banks of the Jura’s rivers is entering the magic world of outstandingly clear waters. As a kingdom of the local zebra trout the valleys of the Upper Ain, the Bienne and the Franco-Swiss Doubs at Goumois will enchant expert fishers as well as beginners for the fishing opportunities they offer.

It is in this wild unspoilt environment that Pierre-Emmanuel Aubry teaches the various casting tactics and will make you share stunning fishing emotions.

Pierre-Emmanuel is fluent in English and Spanish.
"Seeing a fish slowly come up onto the fly, or delicately take the nymph is an outstanding thrill for the fisher […]"
=> To know more, click here
Fishing guide service
"The fish's growth and behaviour vary from one stream to another. Some rivers offer opportunities from the start of the season for early dry-fly fishing, while others are later sites […]"
=> To know more, click here
Parc naturel régional du Haut-Jura FFPML - Fédération Française de Pêche à la Mouche Comité Départemental du Tourisme du JuraMaison Nationale de l’Eau et de la Pêche